I am a Who Dat!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Modern Day Castrato – Today’s GOP Men

Modern Day Castrato – Today’s GOP Men

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. – I Corinthians 13:1

For a while I have been silent, as I have watched so many things that were great vision become muddied and sad in the execution.  I have had a growing number of sleepless nights, and with a heavy heart, I write this plea to my fellow conservatives and moderates in the GOP. 

I am an American.  I am a born again Christian since I was child.  I have been a Republican as long as I can remember.  I am a fiscal conservative.  A Reagan Alumni.  I was one of the small group of people who were on the first Tea Party conference call.  So I want to be clear, that I am not speaking against any fellow Republican, but against the current temperature in the political atmosphere.

…and I am a woman...

I since I was very young studied opera, as a coloratura soprano, and the only way I hope I can break through to change to the dialogue is to provide an analogy that maybe the men can understand.   The way that the men are behaving as it relates to Women’s issues, is as if they would rather castrate themselves, to play a role that God, has no intention of them playing… The role of a woman.

By trying to be the voice of the conservative women, and having no compassion or charity, our men voices have become irritatingly high pitched and as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.  We have already abandoned the Reagan rule of 80%, and speaking ill of our fellow Republicans.  Now we attempt to castrate ourselves by speaking on behalf of women?  Let us not forget the 5W’s – When Women Work We Win.

We stand for FREEDOM.  Freedom to make a decision, Freedom to speak.  We even have the freedom to be an ignorant idiot.

But what I like most about America, is that we have the FREEDOM to SUCCEED and to WIN.
I don’t know about you, but I want to win in 2012.  So can we please put down the scalpels, and stop castrating ourselves and our mission?

You know we women know how to sing our own parts…. Can women have the freedom to be our own voice?

You men, modern day castrati, are singing in the wrong key! 

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