I am a Who Dat!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How Important is Coal to Pennsylvania? Obama-Biden Does not get it!

How important is coal to Pennsylvania? Here are some facts.

Most anthracite coal is found in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania has 29 billion tons of coal reserves, or 6.1% of the country's reserves.
The combined direct and indirect contributions of the coal industry to Pennsylvania's economy are more than $10 billion.
Using more than 57 million tons, Pennsylvania ranks fourth in coal use.
Pennsylvania employs more than 9,300 miners.
Pennsylvania distributes more than 75 million tons of coal each year.
Pennsylvania has 82 underground mines and 225 surface mines.
About 58% of the electricity used in Pennsylvania is produced by coal.
Pennsylvania produces about 7% of the country's coal supply.
Pennsylvania has 23 coal-fired power plants.

Source American Coal Foundation

Recently, Mr. Biden made some comments(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rXyTRT-NZg ) about coal and where they stand...YIKES! and he says he is from Scranton??? Maybe he forgot what happened to Scranton when the coal industry fell.

And they want the huddled masses to think that McCain doesn't get it?
There is so much that this ticket does not and will not ever understand about this country and the people they wish to "lead". They want to make us feel that the government will save us, when all the while for decades, as we seek to re-tool out communities and extend infrastructure and technologies to the "last mile", we have long been abandoned by that government, and have fended for ourselves.
Well, Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama, let me help you "get it". We are a resilient people. We believe in ourselves, our families and our country. We have small businesses and we help our neighbors. We care for our old and feed our poor. We go to church. We believe that roosters always come home to roost, and a person is always held accountable for their own actions. This is the end of your belittling the people who live on Main Street, because on November 4, 2008, we who are called to a cause greater than ourselves will be voting for McCain-Palin. That cause is not about making history, but more about putting Country First.

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