Sunday, October 26, 2008
Yes, Virginia -- There is a Feminist in Sarah Palin!
“Women of my generation were allowed finally to make more of our own choices with education, with career, and I have never forgotten that we owe that opportunity to women, to feminists who came before us,” Palin said. “The belief in equal opportunity is not just the cause of feminists, it’s the creed of our country — equal opportunity.”
Many people are trying to marginalize this lady, and discredit her accomplishments. She has worked harder than Obama & Biden combined. She has more executive experience, marked record of achievement and increased responsibility.
When was the last time you heard a MAN having a ethics violation for having his staff or security detail run women for him?
When was the last time you heard about how much a man spent on his apparel?
Why don't we talk about the abuse of power and the subversive tactic to rid us of our Free Speech...and One person One Vote? Or are we to accept the thug politics and stomp all over the Constitution.
And what happened to that press complaint "We don't have access?" She is the MOST accessible candidate.
Electing Obama will set the progress of African Americans back 20 years. Women further. Remember when they first implemented affirmative action, and unqualified people were getting hired?
This past week, I sat on a panel for AC360. I thought my positions and arguments were valid and was open for debate. The attacks I have received, had NOTHING to do with what I said, but how I looked, or suggested that I was a slave of some sort...HUH?
Let's talk about the issues. One thing that needs to resonate among women is that in 2008 with 52%, women decide. I ask each of you reach into your soul and open you mind. There are 16.5% women who are still undecided, help them decide McCain-Palin.
The "Ironed Jawed Angels" ask no less.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
How Important is Coal to Pennsylvania? Obama-Biden Does not get it!
Most anthracite coal is found in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania has 29 billion tons of coal reserves, or 6.1% of the country's reserves.
The combined direct and indirect contributions of the coal industry to Pennsylvania's economy are more than $10 billion.
Using more than 57 million tons, Pennsylvania ranks fourth in coal use.
Pennsylvania employs more than 9,300 miners.
Pennsylvania distributes more than 75 million tons of coal each year.
Pennsylvania has 82 underground mines and 225 surface mines.
About 58% of the electricity used in Pennsylvania is produced by coal.
Pennsylvania produces about 7% of the country's coal supply.
Pennsylvania has 23 coal-fired power plants.
Source American Coal Foundation
Recently, Mr. Biden made some comments( ) about coal and where they stand...YIKES! and he says he is from Scranton??? Maybe he forgot what happened to Scranton when the coal industry fell.
And they want the huddled masses to think that McCain doesn't get it?
There is so much that this ticket does not and will not ever understand about this country and the people they wish to "lead". They want to make us feel that the government will save us, when all the while for decades, as we seek to re-tool out communities and extend infrastructure and technologies to the "last mile", we have long been abandoned by that government, and have fended for ourselves.
Well, Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama, let me help you "get it". We are a resilient people. We believe in ourselves, our families and our country. We have small businesses and we help our neighbors. We care for our old and feed our poor. We go to church. We believe that roosters always come home to roost, and a person is always held accountable for their own actions. This is the end of your belittling the people who live on Main Street, because on November 4, 2008, we who are called to a cause greater than ourselves will be voting for McCain-Palin. That cause is not about making history, but more about putting Country First.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hit the road for McCain-Palin!
For those who are ready, willing and able to pack a suitcase and hit the road for voter turnout in a target state, Volunteer Deployment is for you!
We are recruiting McCain Marshals and McCain Mavericks to deploy to states all over the country to assist existing McCain-Palin 2008 operations in their final days/weeks of voter contact.
Who should apply?
McCain Marshals This program is for those who are comfortable working independently, managing a local office and recruiting new volunteers. Additionally, our McCain Marshals must be familiar with the new political technologies we are using in the field. Ideally, they will have campaign experience, or have participated in Deployment in recent years and be familiar with our turnout operations. The requirements are a minimum two-week commitment (October 22nd through November 5th).
McCain Mavericks This program is for all of you that are able to give the last week or two before Election Day to make turnout phone calls and go door-to-door in one of our top battleground states. You'll work all day (and night) long with a group of friends (some new, some old) to turn out voters on Election Day. The departure day is anytime before November 1st, and you'll be able to return home on Wednesday, November 5.
How do I apply? Please apply online at
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
John McCain Defiende a a Mujeres
• 56% de mujeres está encargadas del manejo de sus familias' las finanzas diarias.
• 50% de norteamericanos con ventajas más que $500.000 son mujeres.
• 27% de mujeres en casas de dos-ingresos gana más que su socio.
• 46% de los EEUU totales trabaja la fuerza es mujeres.
• 49% del aumento en la mano de obra total por 2010 será mujeres.
• 51% de trabajadores en la gestión de alto-pagando y trabajos profesionales es mujeres.
• 8,7 millones de mujeres son propietarios de pequeña empresa.
¡Las mujeres – nosotros no podemos ganar sin ellos! Una a Mujeres para McCain hoy en
Saturday, September 13, 2008
BIGresearch New Poll
All Registered Voted in
Adults Voters 2004 Republicans Democrats
John McCain 40.3% 41.2% 43.2% 79.8% 12.1%
Barack Obama 39.7% 38.9% 37.6% 7.5% 71.2%
Source: BIGresearch, Sep 08 CIA (N=8167)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Young, Female, Executive Seeks Same - On Sarah Palin
This model works, as long as there are proven results that are clear and demonstrative.
Gov. Palin has that track record of proven results. This is clear and demonstrative evidence of change you can believe in. She is a LONG TERM asset.
On Sarah Palin...
I find it very interesting that some people are having 'heartburn" with this. I think that strategically, it shows that McCain is thinking about the country, the party, and the future. He has his opponents scrambling, since this was not out of the 'playbook' that they had for McCain. That was first very obvious, as they unsuccessfully try to tie him to Bush '43. So it will take the O-Biden (now he's Irish) Team longer to come up with a plan. If the first few 'attacks' are any indication… then, as long as McCain stays "on his message" then the American People will see the truth.
Another strategic thing that must be considered is in choosing Gov. Palin, age 44, with a win, she is a shoe-in for 2012, if McCain chooses not to run again, and also for 2016. In 8 years, she will only be 52.
This helps with the rebuilding process. Lest we forget, the Republican party, and the Conservative movement, have no BENCH! We have not been growing leaders, getting them started in the political process. Placing them into position for the future, making them a part of the political process. I don’t think that the message that we want to send to Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation V, that they are not an option. This is a generation of socially conscious, aggressive, people, who feel they have something to contribute, and will use alternate means to accomplish their goals.
AMAZINGLY, Obama forgot one of the bullet points of his own speech “Sometimes change does not happen in
Is Obama & his team implying that only
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Score the Speaker Events
August 23, 2008
Contact: Tanya Callaway Crews 202-487-8077-cell phone
Communications: Charlie Spano 570-604-0809-cell phone
Tanya Callaway Crews, President of the Northeastern Chapter, Coalition for a Conservative Majority announces that the CCM of NEPA will host two events during each of the party conventions. These will be “Scoring the Speakers” events where participants will anaylze and discuss the acceptance speeches by each of the major party candidates.
“Anyone who understands that smaller government, lower taxes, a strong national defense of America and America's borders, energy independence and adherence to the Constitution as written are critical to America's future is invited.” according to Ms. Callaway Crews. The Coalition for a Conservative Majority is a grassroots conservative advocacy group. The local chapter recently completed a trip to Washington to support conservative congress members as they continue to press for energy independence.
The first “Score the Speaker” will be held on Thursday, August 28 , beginning at 7 pm at Whistle’s Pub and Eatery, 126 Franklin Ave. in Scranton. The Democratic nominee’s speech that night will be analyzed from a conservative perspective. Refreshments will be served. The second ‘Score the Speaker” will be held on Thursday, September 4 at a location to be announced.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Northeast Pennsylvania Activists Create New Conservative Grassroots Organization
For Immediate Release
July 9, 2008
Contact: Tanya Callaway Crews
Northeast Pennsylvania Activists Create New
Conservative Grassroots Organization
Clarks Summit, PA - A new grassroots organization aimed at furthering conservative activism started in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre-area and is looking for like-minded members. The group, Coalition for a Conservative Majority - Northeast Pennsylvania, is the local chapter of the national organization founded by former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and Chaired by former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell.
As the first order of business, the CCM chapter has requested meetings with their area members of Congress, whether they're conservative, liberal, or anything in between. Chapter President Tanya Callaway Crews said earlier today the group will focus on monitoring federal and state policy to ensure conservative thought is represented. "It's time conservatives take a page out of the liberals' playbook and start holding our politicians accountable for the actions here and in Washington," Crews said. "CCM will be the primary organization that will hold their feet to the fire."
The National Chairman of CCM, former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, said the Northeast Pennsylvania group is one of 8 targeted media markets with a burgeoning CCM chapter. "Across the country we are seeing candidates who run as Barry Goldwater, then govern more like Walter Mondale. CCM is here to keep their voting records in line with true conservative ideology."
During their recent monthly meeting, the organization elected a board and developed an organizational plan. The aim of the group, said Crews, is to unite the different factions of conservatives - security, social, and fiscal - into one organization that can work on a variety of fronts. "We don't care if you're here to fight illegal immigration or higher taxes - if you call yourself a conservative and you want to in the fight, you're welcome to join CCM."
CCM NEPA meets on a monthly basis and events are only open to registered members. For more information about CCM and how to become a member of the grassroots organization, please visit
Coalition for a Conservative Majority (CCM) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan education and advocacy organization under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable gifts. More Information